Tarbiyah Ruhiyah.pdf ((BETTER))
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Tarbiyah Ruhiyah: The Spiritual Education in Islam
Tarbiyah ruhiyah is a term that refers to the process of nurturing and developing the spiritual dimension of human beings according to the teachings of Islam. Tarbiyah ruhiyah is based on the belief that humans have a soul (ruh) that needs guidance and purification in order to achieve closeness to Allah, the Creator and Sustainer of all existence. Tarbiyah ruhiyah is also one of the missions of prophethood (nubuwwah), as exemplified by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions, who received divine revelation and spiritual training from Allah through the angel Jibril.
Tarbiyah ruhiyah involves various aspects, such as faith (aqidah), worship (ibadah), ethics (akhlaq), and spiritual journey (suluk). Tarbiyah ruhiyah aims to cultivate the love of Allah (mahabbah) and sincerity (ikhlas) in the hearts of Muslims, as well as to enable them to perform remembrance of Allah (dhikr), contemplation (tafakkur), and gratitude (shukr). Tarbiyah ruhiyah also seeks to foster a sense of brotherhood (ukhuwwah) and mutual support (taawun) among Muslims, as well as to inspire them to strive for excellence (ihsan) and service (khidmah) in all aspects of life.
Tarbiyah ruhiyah can be done individually or collectively, through various methods and means, such as reading and studying the Quran and the Sunnah, following the guidance of a qualified spiritual teacher (shaykh), engaging in social interaction (muasyarah) and companionship (shuhbah) with fellow seekers of Allah, practicing spiritual exercises (riyadah) and disciplines (mujahadah), and observing the etiquette (adab) and manners (akhlaq) of Islam. Tarbiyah ruhiyah can also be enhanced by learning from the examples and experiences of the righteous predecessors (salaf) and the saints (awliya) of Islam, who have attained high levels of spiritual realization and perfection.
Tarbiyah ruhiyah is an essential component of Islamic education, as it helps Muslims to develop their full potential as servants and vicegerents of Allah on earth. Tarbiyah ruhiyah also enables Muslims to cope with the challenges and temptations of the modern world, by strengthening their faith and morality, and by connecting them to their ultimate purpose and destiny. Tarbiyah ruhiyah is a lifelong process that requires constant effort and commitment, but it also brings immense rewards and benefits, both in this world and in the hereafter.
[^1^] Imanuddin Kamil et al., "Konsep tarbiyyah ruhiyyah Abu Al-Hasan Ali Al-Nadwi", Ta'dibuna, Vol. 10, No. 2 , Juni 2021.
[^2^] Luqman Al Hakim, "Dimensi Tarbiyyah RÃ…hiyyah dalam Ilmu Tasawuf", Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah dan Hukum, Vol. 9 No. 2 Desember 2017.
[^3^] Said Hawa, Tarbiyatuna ar-Ruhiyyah, Maktabah al-Wahbah, 1992.
Tarbiyah ruhiyyah is not a new concept in Islam, but rather a revival of the original spirit and essence of the religion. Tarbiyah ruhiyyah has been practiced and taught by many scholars and saints throughout Islamic history, such as Abu Al-Hasan Ali Al-Nadwi, who was a prominent Indian scholar and reformer in the 20th century. Al-Nadwi emphasized the importance of tarbiyah ruhiyyah as a way to overcome the decline and stagnation of the Muslim ummah, and to restore its dignity and glory. Al-Nadwi also proposed a comprehensive model of tarbiyah ruhiyyah that covers six main components: dhikr, shuhbah al-shaykh, muasyarah, mahabbah, ikhlas, and ihsan.
Tarbiyah ruhiyyah is not limited to a specific time or place, but rather it is a universal and timeless principle that applies to all Muslims, regardless of their backgrounds and circumstances. Tarbiyah ruhiyyah is also not confined to a specific sect or school of thought, but rather it is based on the Quran and the Sunnah, which are the common sources and references for all Muslims. Tarbiyah ruhiyyah is also not restricted to a specific form or method, but rather it is flexible and adaptable to the needs and conditions of each individual and